Tuesday 26 June 2007

Balrothery Utd. Football Club

We will be training every wed night up beside the tennis courts at 7:30pm.
All newcomers welcome, please contact Stuart on 0879701603.

Thursday 21 June 2007

Balrothery Tennis Club

We will be running a club night every Wednesday night at 7.30 for anyone who is interested. Beginners are most welcome. We will also be running Tennis for juniors in the very near future.

Contact: Liz Sheil,

Mobile: 0863938794

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Parks Tennis 2007 programme

A Tennis Coaching programme takes place this Summer at various venues around the country. It caters for boys and girls between 6 and l7 years. Hourly classes are divided according to age and standard.
This is a low cost programme subsidised by various sponsors. The only cost is a small once off registration fee - and that's it.. All equipment supplied, racquets and balls - Free T-shirts for all.
Children ! Come and enjoy this fun programme with your friends while learning tennis. Dates and times vary according to locations but are mostly during July or August.

Enrollment 29th of June at the Balrothery Tennis courts 2-4pm