Monday 16 January 2012

Balrothery Co Op Meeting

You are invited to a 'townhall' type meeting on January 25th at 8pm in the Heritage Centre to discuss
establishing the ABCD Co Op.Association for Balrothery Community Development( ABCD Co Op ) which will be a business owned by the community through open membership based on the 7
principles of Cooperatives. It will be focused on developing the Balrothery ‘brand’ as a premium
Tourism/Heritage location and local art/craft supplier. By being a community owned and operated
brand, business stays local and profits stay in the village. ABCD Co-Op will facilitate the potential for
grant/funding applications from Rural Leader and other avenues.
If you support this proposal but can’t make this meeting, you can send
your name, email and text number to to register your support in
I believe such a Co-Op is the best vehicle to drive a targeted campaign and bring about the
coordinated improvement of our village as an amenity for ourselves and our potential visitors.
Gary Rutherford
086 600 8145

Monday 9 January 2012

Gormanston & District Anglers AGM



Gormanston Anglers 2012 AGM


The Club AGM will be held at 9pm on Thursday the 26th of January 2012 in the Heritage Centre, Balrothery Village.


All members welcome. We also welcome anyone that would like to join our club.


We will be accepting fees and new memberships on the night for the 2012 season. We would love to see you.


If anyone has any items that they would like added to the agenda please


contact a club officer before 17th of January or send an e.mail to:


Saturday 7 January 2012

Balrothery Baby & Toddler Group

Our Group will resume on Friday, 13th January in the Heritage Centre (old church) in Balrothery Village, from 10am until 12.30pm.  All pre-school children are FREE.  A cost of
€3 per adult covers refreshments, etc.  Parents, grandparents, minders and au pairs from Balrothery, Balbriggan, Balscadden and ALL surrounding areas are all very welcome.  For more information contact Grainne on 086 174 1872 or just come along any Friday morning.'