Friday 5 October 2007

Balrothery Foróige Youth Club:

Balrothery Foróige Youth Club:

The Balrothery Foróige Youth Club will reopen on Wednesday 17th October in The Heritage Centre at 8pm. The club is aimed at young people aged 12 years and over. If your child would like to become a member please bring them along on the night. The club opened in August 2006 and has been involved in various activities throughout the year. The club is run by the members in partnership with adult volunteers. The young people plan and organise activities and games from their own interests. Last year the members planned and organised an Easter party for young children from the area. This was a great success and brought the community together.

Adults Volunteers Required:

The club urgently requires adult volunteers to help out in the club. The club can not continue without the support and help of adults from the area. If you can spare a hour on a Wednesday evening and would like to give something back to the community of Balrothery, please contact Bryan Gavin, Regional Youth Officer @ 086 8519639 or 01 6301560. Without your help the club will not be able to stay open.