Sunday 23 January 2011

Gormanston & District Anglers open to new and lapsed members

Gormanston & District Anglers open to new and lapsed members


A very well attended Gormanston and District Anglers AGM was held on the 18th of January in The Balrothery Heritage Centre. Ray Mooney club chairman  (pictured) addressed the meeting and reported that even though the club had an excellent year with our lake fishing extremely well and number  of our juniors getting International recognition  and senior male and female anglers doing well in Provincial and National competitions. The membership of the club was down on previous years. The G D & A was no different than every other club and organization in Ireland and were  presently suffering because of the economic downturn and emigration.


It was therefore decided at the AGM not to increase the 2011 renewal fees and to maintain them at 2010 levels.

It was also decided to introduce a new family membership which allows one senior and as many juniors for a set fee of €160.00 per year

Also due to falling membership arising from emigration and the downturn in the economy, that an amnesty for lapsed senior members would be introduced. This amnesty would be available until the 31-3-2011.This amnesty would basically allow lapsed members to rejoin the club, regardless of how many years they had not renewed their senior membership fees. Lapsed members would be reinstated as full members with a once off payment of €30.00 plus this year's renewal fee of €100.00. This does not apply to juniors/disabled and OAP, who only have to pay the present renewal fee.

The AGM also decided to reduce the new membership fee by €55.00 to encourage more uptake.
Renewal fees for 2011 season are now due details on club website: or on the club's Facebook site.

The club are also very happy to announce that the new 2011 " Last Man Standing " promotion will be starting soon with a prize fund of €300 for the winner again details can be found on club website

FEES for 2011

a.     €100 Senior Member (no change)

b.     €50 OAP (no change)

c.      €30 Junior (no change)

d.     €160 Family (no change)

e.     €195 New Member (reduced from €250 – to be marketed as €100 for membership, and joining fee of €95)