Monday 2 July 2007

North County Cricket Club Junior Summer Camps.

Ages 6-13

Tuesdays & Thursdays

3.30pm - 5.30pm Starting this week 3rd July

Starting for the next 6 weeks

Cost €40.00

Ages 12-15

Mondays & Wednesdays

5.00pm - 6.30pm

Starting for the next 6 weeks

Cost €40.00

For boys & girls

For more information contact Reinhardt Strydom: 087 9823402

Balrothery Tidy Towns News

Balrothery Village has had a Tidy Towns Committee since 1996, but unfortunately due to lack of interest this has dwindled down to now three members, who twice a year replant the tubs at both entrances to the village and try to keep their own space litter free.

At the open meeting recently in the Heritage Centre, a few people put their names forward for Tidy Towns which is much appreciated, but to make this venture successful we would need at least two people from every road and estate helping to allow us to work more efficiently.

We had great success in the past with our School winning first prize, also the shops in the village and of course The Balrothery Inn. We also ran garden competitions and many of our residents won prizes over the years.

We stopped entering the Tidy Towns annual competition due to the ongoing building in progress and the disruption this causes. As it is expensive to enter, we didn't see the point as no allowances are made for ongoing work.

We also had a voluntary envelope system to raise funds, as you will appreciate to make improvements to the village requires funding, so we would hope to operate this system again providing we can get enough volunteers to commit their time to this project. With the re-establishment of The Balrothery Community Council, in time, should also assist with improvements to the village roads, footpaths, litter bins and green areas etc.

We have a lovely village with great history and lovely surroundings, please help us to make it a more beautiful place to live and be proud to be part of.

If interested please contact Annette Thompson at 01 8411555 or 087 78728826

Email: tidytowns@balrothery


Sunday 1 July 2007

Know you Neighbour Weekend July14-15