Wednesday 14 April 2010

The Gormanston & District Anglers Pub Quiz

On Friday night 7th of May at 8.30pm in the Balrothery Inn


" Dave Hogans monster summer quiz" will be happening on the 7th in the lounge of the Balrothery Inn

Lots of great prizes and loads of spot prizes on the night.

4 per team. Euro 20.00 per team.

General knowledge. All welcome and bring your friends

?????????  Be there or be Square ?????????



Friday 2 April 2010

The Balrothery Heritage singers summer show

On Sunday night 23rd of May at 8pm

The Heritage Singers will hold their Summer Concert in the Heritage Centre, Balrothery Village on Sunday 23rd of May at 8pm
Admission for adults is 7.00 euro
For Children/OAPs/Students 3.00 euro
As always there will be light refreshments/wine served after each performance.
For further information please contact: Anna Heffernan tel: 087-2990177 or email:
Further details on




O Dwyers GAA Junior activities over the Easter holidays

On Friday night 2nd of April- Family Quiz

In the O’ Dwyer’s Club house there will be a family quiz...
Euro 10.00 per table. At least one adult per table. Great fun and loads of prizes.
Starting at 8pm

On Friday night the 9th of April- Juvenile Disco

In the O’ Dwyers Club House, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan.

The Disco is 12’s and under. Disco starts at 9.30 pm and is over at 11.30 pm.

Entrance fee is Euro 5.00
Friends welcome.

Thursday 1 April 2010

O Dwyers GAA Junior activities over the Easter holidays

On Friday night 2nd of April- Family Quiz

In the O’ Dwyer’s Club house there will be a family quiz...
Euro 10.00 per table. At least one adult per table. Great fun and loads of prizes.
Starting at 8pm


On Friday night the 9th of April- Juvenile Disco


In the O’ Dwyers Club House, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan.

The Disco is  12’s and under. Disco starts at 9.30 pm and is over at 11.30 pm.

Entrance fee is Euro 5.00
Friends welcome.